Friday, 7 March 2014

German Universities Scholarships for Foreign Students - Study abroad opportunities

  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Germany offers free Masters course to International Students!
Student just needs to maintain themselves there, i.e. Food, Accommodation  around (300£/month) but tuition fee is free.
In most cases the taught language is English so you dont need to worry about German language in order to apply but if you know German language then that's a plus point.
Here is the link to the official german website through which all courses can be searched and applied, in some cases you search for course and then apply directly through the universities website.
To get started : Select the courses available on the DAAD website,
Then it takes you to the official uni website where you can choose the course.
Here is a list of some important things which you need to have for ur application
·    English language proficiency test certificate e.g. IELTS
·         All your documents (Degrees, Diplomats, Certificates, Work Experience) certify/attested by notary public solicitors (In my case I got them certified by German Embassy in London for very cheap!)
·         Motivation Letter / Personal Statement (i.e. Why do u wana  take this course)

Best of Luck InshaAllah.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

SQL Server Business Intelligence Studio - How to do SQL Server Data Transformation using SQL Server Integration Services

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful

In this example we are using SQL Server 2012, but its applicable for SQL Server 2008 too.
The whole idea is to see the Data transformation in action in SQL Server Integration Studio
We will be using the SQL Sever Adventure Works Database for this example. The database files can be downloaded from
For this example we will be using the AdventureWorksDW2012 Data File
Once downloaded, attach this database with SQL Server 2012 or 2008
What do we want to do:
The idea is to do a Transfer (or Fecth) the Adventure Works Dataware house tables to our own small database using the power of SQL Server Integration Services.
Step 1
Create a Database called , BITEDB1
Step 2
Now Create Table in the Database,
Simply right click the database
=> New Query

And Copy Paste this command in the Query Window and Hit F5 or Execute
CREATE TABLE dbo.dimDate
DateKey                    DATE          NOT NULL,
DayNumberOfWeek            TINYINT       NOT NULL,
DayNumberOfMonth           TINYINT NULL,
DayNumberOfYear            SMALLINT      NULL,
WeekNumberOfYear           TINYINT    NULL,    
CalendarQuarter            TINYINT       NULL,
CalendarYear         SMALLINT      NULL,
EnglishMonthName     VARCHAR(15)   NULL,


CREATE TABLE dbo.dimCustomer
CustomerKey                INT           NOT NULL,
Title                      VARCHAR(8)           NULL,
Name                       VARCHAR(100)  NULL,  -- Concatenate First & Last Name when loading....
BirthDate                  Date                 NULL,
Age    AS
    WHEN DATEDIFF(yy, BirthDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)<=40 THEN 'Younger'
       WHEN DATEDIFF(yy, BirthDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)>50 THEN 'Older'
       ELSE 'Middle Age'
Gender               CHAR(1)       NULL,
AnnualIncome         MONEY         NULL,

CONSTRAINT PK_dimCustomers PRIMARY KEY(CustomerKey)

CREATE TABLE dbo.dimProduct
ProductKey                 INT                  NOT NULL,
EnglishProductName   VARCHAR(50)   NOT NULL,
Color                      VARCHAR(20)   NULL,
ListPrice                  MONEY                NULL,
StandardCost         MONEY                NULL,
DaysToManufacture    INT                  NULL,
Weight               FLOAT                NULL,
ReOrderPoint         SMALLINT             NULL,


CREATE TABLE dbo.FactInternetSales
InternetSalesKey           INT                        NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),
ProductKey                 INT                        NOT NULL,
CustomerKey          INT                        NOT NULL,
SalesOrderNumber           VARCHAR(20)          NOT NULL,
SalesOrderLineNumber TINYINT                    NOT NULL,
OrderQuantity        SMALLINT                  NOT NULL,
UnitPrice                  MONEY                     NOT NULL,
ExtendedAmount             MONEY                     NOT NULL,
TaxAmt               MONEY               NOT NULL,
OrderDate                  DATE                 NOT NULL,

CONSTRAINT PK_factIntSales PRIMARY KEY(InternetSalesKey)

Step 3
Create the Database Diagram by using the above created 4 tables in SQL Server Management Studio.
Expand BiteDB1 database and Right Click on Database Diagram Folder and Select New Database Diagram
If you click on the Database Diagram folder and Get and Error like this, then don't worry and just click Yes

Step 4
Jump over to SQL Server Data Tools Studio
File => New => Project => Select Integration Services Project
And Click OK

Step 5
Right click inside the bottom pane of the SSIS project, where it says Connection Manager,
And Select New OLE DB Connection and then NEW

Step 6
If the source and destination databases are not there, then click on NEW and bring in the source and destination databases.
You have to repeat Step 6, once for the Source database connection, and then for the destination database selection

Fill in the server and database details.
Notice below the Connection Managers

Step 7  (Loading Target Dimension Table)
Inside the Control Flow Tab,
Drag and Drop an Execute SQL Task component onto the Control Flow Tab
This would be the target Database

Step 8
Double click on the Execute SQL Task component
and set values for Connection, SQLStatement , also set the BypassPrepare to False
Note : If you get an error at this stage this is because of the Foreign Key Constraint, Remove the Foreign Key in the SQL Server Database Diagram on the Table and it should work fine and the red cross error will disappear.

Step 9
Drag in a Data Flow Task Component from the Toolbox on to the Control Flow Pane.
Step 10
Double click on it
Notice the change of interface when you double click on it. As it switches to Data Flow Tab.
Step 11
Drag and Drop an OLE DB Source component from the Toolbox onto the Data Flow pane.
Step 12
Double click on the OLE DB Source Component.
Once the window opens up,
Select the source table in the Name of the table or the view: from which you would like to extract the data from.
In this example we are using dboProduct Table

Step 13
Click on the Columns Tab on the left side of the OLE DB Source Editor Panel and check the columns of table from which you would like to extract the data. And click OK.

Step 14
Next Drag and Drop an OLE DB Destination Component from the Toolbox onto the Data Flow Pane and
REPEAT Step 13 to set the connection of Destination Table in the OLE DB Destination component. 

Step 15
Now SET the connection between the OLE DB Source and OLE DB Destination.
Drag and Drop the green or blue arrow from the OLE DB Source onto the OLE DB Destination Component.

Step 16
At this stage we can view the destination between the source and destination table by clicking on the Mapping Tab on the left side of the OLE DB Destination pane.
And click OK

Step 17
At this stage if you see an error on the OLE DB Destination Component that means there is some data type mismatch between the source and destination table.
In order to fix this we would make use of a Data Conversion Component
Step 18
Drag and Drop a Data Conversion Component from the toolbox onto the Data Flow Pane and Link OLE DB Source with the Data Conversion Component and Data Conversion Component with OLE DB Destination Component

Step 19
Double click on the Data Conversion Component and check the columns for which we need SSIS to suggest the Data Types Conversions
And Select the ones for which there are any Data Type Mismatch errors.

Step 20
Next hop over to OLE DB Destination Component and Double Click it to open up the OLE DB Destination Editor.
Click on the Mappings Tab on the left and change the input columns from
OLE DB.Source.Column Name TO Data Conversion.Column Name
For example

 Final Step :
At this stage all things would be good. Just click on the Start button
 on the tool bar to begin the transformation process

Check the Transformed Database

Any Questions, Just post it in the comments box below.